Club Welfare & Conduct

If you have any issues regarding the welfare of your child at Downley Dynamos please contact and one of our designated Club Welfare Officers Kezia Lilygreen or Fiona Spreckley will be in touch. Please rest assured that anonimity is guarateed at all times. 

If you have greater, more far reaching concerns then please visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency vis this link - CEOP 

The following documents outline the Code of Conduct we expect from Parents, Spectators, Managers, Coaches and Players along with the discipline code that we adher to.

These codes have been designed to facilitate the smooth running of the club and to ensure that we achieve consistency across all age groups. Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with them as they are for the benefit of all.


Coaches, Managers and Club Officials Code of Conduct

Spectators and Parents Code of Conduct

Match Officials Code of Conduct

Young Players Code of Conduct

Adult Players Code of Conduct

South Bucks Mini Soccer Conference Code of Conduct

Message to Spectators

Social Media Statement

Safeguarding Children Policy

Photographing and Filming Children Policy



Downley Dynamos JFC Temporary Player Form

Please click the link above to fill out the DDJFC Temporary Player Form