The Under 12s team is for players who from 1st September 2024 will be in Year 7 at Secondary School.
We have over 50 players who play 9 a side matches on a Sunday and train on a Saturday.
Head Coach of the U12s is Dan Baskerville (UEFA C Licenced Coach), supported by Alan Dunn-Baker (FA Level 2 Qualified Coach), Danny Hillman, Ben Tanswell and Paul Sylvester (all FA Level 1 Qualified Coaches), as well as Sohaib Ali, Ryan Stockton, Imad Ali, Gary Brayley, Christian Ridehalgh, Nathan Harvey, Gareth Green and Ross Caldow.
The U12s have 4 teams called Atletico, Barca, Valencia and Madrid, managed by Danny Hillman, Dan Baskerville, Ben Tanswell and Gareth Green respectively.
U12 Philosophy and Ethos
We aim for our players to excel in decision making, be comfortable in possession of the football in all areas of the pitch and apply maximum effort when they play. Additionally, we want them all to play with a smile on their face and have fun! We coach girls and boys of ALL footballing abilities and new players will always be made very welcome.
We set high expectations of all of our players both on and off the pitch, so our focus is not only on their football skills but also how they conduct themselves, treat each other and interact with coaches, referees and the opposition. We strive to develop our players to be the best versions of themselves as people as well as footballers. The overall Club Ethos can be found on the front page of the website.
The U12s implement the FA’s Four Corner Model into their sessions and matches to assist in the long term development of the player’s Physical, Technical / Tactical, Psychological and Social aspects of their game.
Training begins on Saturday 7th September 2024 from 9.00am - 10:15am on Mannings Field in Downley (see map and directions on the 'How to find us' page). Players must wear shin pads and football boots and bring water to drink. Suitable waterproof jackets, shirts, shorts, socks and / or warm clothing depending on weather conditions are also essential. Players can bring a small snack (if necessary).
Players are expected to wear clean studded boots (moulded or screw-ins depending on the hardness of the ground) and the club recommends 'NO BLADES' due to the potential dangers associated with them so please bear this in mind. SHIN PADS are compulsory.
Important Note to Parents
The U12s training and matches are not a 'drop and run' so parents or guardians must remain in their designated area during the session. Please encourage the players at every opportunity.
We ask that all parents and players are familiar with the club's Code of Conduct which applies to both training and matches.
Training during the school holidays
Training will generally take place on the 1st Saturday of either the Half Term or End of Term holidays and will resume on the 1st Saturday after school has reopened, however there may be exceptions.
New Players
There is currently a waiting list for new players, however if you are looking to join the U12s please register your interest by sending an email to but please bear in mind that the club is run entirely by volunteers, and if you do not receive an immediate reply please be patient. Should a space become available, you will be sent a link to our Online Registration Form and following completion you will be sent an invoice for your subscription via the Spond App.
Subs & Player Registration
Registration Fees for the 2024-25 season are £170.00 which will be requested in two installments of £85.00, one at the start of the season and one in January. Subscriptions are managed via the Spond App and prior to the start of the season you will be sent a message via Spond to ask whether you wish to register.
New players will be sent a link to our Online Registration Form which should be completed before the first training session. Following registration you will be send a payment request via Spond which we politely request is paid promptly.
Matchday subs are INCLUDED within the annual fees to help cover the cost of running matches, cutting grass, line painting etc. If you need to talk to the club about Subs, or anything other matter, please feel free to discuss with any of the coaches or club welfare officers in strict confidence.
Downley Dynamos U12’s are grateful and proud to have front of shirt sponsorship from Walfinch Independent Home Living for the 2024/25 season. For more information on their Mid & South Buckinghamshire Tailored Home Care Services, please visit
We do have other sponsorship opportunities available. To discuss these further please send an email to